Pilot Ladder
Product Description
Mechanical Pilot Hoists are not acceptable to Flinders Ports at all times. When accommodation ladders are used in conjunction with a conventional pilot ladder the accommodation ladder should be secured to the hull. The Pilot Ladder and associated manropes should be secured to the hull approximately 2 metres above the accommodation ladder platform. If this is not possible the ladder should be rigged in accordance with the attached diagram. Pilot ladders should rest firmly against the ships side and should not be rigged in areas where the ladder will not rest against the ships side or areas of the hull with an overhang. Tripping lines are not to be used. The pilot ladder is to be secured on the lee side 1.5 metres above the water or at such other height as requested by the pilot vessel. Two (2) clean manila manropes of not less than 28mm. diameter and not more than 32mm. diameter are to be securely made fast to the ship. The manropes must never be made fast to the ladder at any point and should not be longer than the ladder. An officer should be in attendance at the ladder, with life-saving appliances ready for immediate use. The officer must also have a Portable Radio for immediate communication with the bridge. When a combination ladder is to be used, and there are no appropriate lashing arrangements then Flinders Ports requires that magnetic or suction devices be utilised to ensure the gangway and ladder can be properly secured to the hull